Island Green Technology
You can relax knowing that luxury and high performance does not mean increased energy consumption and higher costs.
This line of spas uses an energy-efficient circulation system and motors, that deliver high performance and reliability.
This makes Island Spas more efficient than any traditionally-built spa in the industry.
Full Foam Insulation
- Artesian’s full foam provides the most efficient heat retention available in any spa.
- Dramatically increases the strength and life of the spa’s shell.
- Full foam secures plumbing to the shell for longer plumbing life.
- Icynene brand foam conforms to all curves and spaces to provide a seamless air barrier.
- Increases the durability of the structure.
- Provides consistent R-value to the spa.
- Icynene brand foam is not water permeable. It lets structural moisture diffuse and dissipate
and will not trap moisture inside its cells.
- The Icynene foam dries completely.
WhisperPure Circulation Pump
- Energy Efficient with Quiet Operation
- Higher Flow Rate to Increase Filtration
- Fan Cooled, 48-frame Motor Design
- Ozone purifies water faster than chlorine and leaves no chemical by product.
- Ozone will not irritate eyes or skin and is gentle to spa equipment.
- The ozonator takes in surrounding oxygen and turns it into O3, which is then shot into the spa water with the
Mazzei injector. The ozone then goes to work naturally destroying bacteria.