Spa & Pool Covers
All spas have one thing in common– they heat water. The objective is to conserve as much of this heat as possible. Heat rises – this is why homes have insulation in the roofs! The same principle applies to your spa. A spa cover stops heat from escaping. A deteriorated or heavy (water logged) cover means the effectiveness of the insulation is compromised. Ensure your cover fits your spa properly and make sure you tie the straps or latches down when not in use, this will reduce heat leakage.
A pool cover will reduce your energy costs also. By slowing down the rate of evaporation, a cover keeps your pool naturally warmer so your heater doesn’t have to work as hard.
Covers also protect spas and pools for the elements such as leaves, dirt and bugs. By protecting your spa or pool while not in use your water will be cleaner, fresher and well maintained.
Keep on Top of Water Balancing and Cleanliness
You won’t save any money on spa and pool maintenance by avoidance. Proper chemical balance ensures that you will not need to add excess chemicals to bring the water back to safe levels. This also will ensure equipment such as jets and fittings, heaters and headrests are all protected from deterioration. Neglecting to keep your spa or pool clean can also affect the efficiency of filtering and the running of pumps.
Turn off the features
When your pool or spa is not in use ensure that you turn off all the features such as jets, waterfalls and lights. Leaving water jets on in a spa typically leads to more evaporation and water cooling. Turning these features off as much as possible (especially when you’re not at home) is a sure way to save energy.
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