Keeping your spa clean is really important if you want it to last long. The most effective way to keep dirt and debris out of the water is to never walk bare foot prior to getting in the spa, or washing your feet and dirt from your body before entering the water. In saying that there is always going to be that one time when dirt and debris just happen to enter the water.
1. Spa Vac
The design allows you to quickly clean any water fixture. If your spa is frequently dirty, this Supa Vac would be ideal – You can purchase this item for about $63.00
2. Silly Putty
No Joke! Silly putty is waterproof, and if you press it down on some dirt and debris, it will embed into the putty, problem solved. The only downside to this method is that it can only be used once.
3. Homemade Siphon
For the handyman of the house you can make your own automatic spa vacuum by cutting a piece of hose and wrapping a stocking to one end.
4. Turkey Baster
This kitchen gadget is smarter than it looks! Simply use the baster to suck the dirt off the bottom and dispose away from your spa. The downside is this can be time consuming, but really easy to do. As a side note, ensure you wash it really well prior to putting it the spa water.
Tips & ideas from swimuniversity.com