Whilst having a pool is great to help keep you cool during the warmer months and to keep the kids entertained, there are a number of other benefits that many people without pools may not know.
As well as being great for fitness and entertaining there are some other health benefits that may be helpful to you and your family. Below are the top five unsung benefits of owning your own pool:
1. Low impact exercise
Walking and running in a pool is a great low impact exercise which allows for extra resistance on the muscles whilst ensuring that the bones and joints are protected. This is a great benefit for people who have sore backs and knees, as well as people who may work all day on their feet or sitting on chairs.
2. Unwind and relax!
Water can help to relieve stress and anxiety; the soothing sounds of water and the serene environment it creates can be a perfect place to relax and unwind, and even do some meditation. Floating on a pool float can also help to imitate weightlessness helping to ease anxiety and relax the body
3. Keep it clean
It is common knowledge that public pools can be filled with germs; these germs can make people sick with illnesses ranging from tummy bugs to E. coli. Whilst these germs aren’t necessary deadly, it does leave a lot to be desired when it comes to cleanliness. The CDC recently did a study which revealed that 58% of public pools contained faecal matter. The benefit of having your own pool means you can control the cleanliness and manage the PH levels to ensure minimum germ breeding!
4. Social magnet
Pools bring family and friends together; often these days’ busy schedules prevent us from seeing our loved ones as often as we should. A pool is a great excuse to throw a party; it makes for a low key summer event, and allows parents to keep an eye on their kids without the stress of having to pack everyone into the car.
5. Sleep easy
If you have ever spent a day swimming in the pool, then you know how tired you feel afterwards. As the cool water lowers your body temperature, your body then has to expend energy to balance your temperature out. This combined with jumping around and swimming can make you extremely sleepy, leaving you to have a better, deeper sleep.