Spa baths and pools provide a wonderful way to relax, whether indoors or outdoors. The addition of aromatherapy oils can help to transform the experience even further, whether you want to feel uplifted and energised or calm and relaxed.
If you fancy enjoying the benefits of an aromatherapy experience, you can use aromatherapy canisters or sachets that can be added to a floating dispenser which is simply placed in the water.
You can also add aromatherapy products directly to the water, but make sure they are specially formulated for spa use. Adding pure essential oils directly to your spa is not advised – look out for special spa products that won’t stain or harm the shell of the spa or clog up the filters.
Aromatherapy oils are an effective natural health remedy that can be used for a variety of reasons, including:
• Reducing stress and anxiety
• Improving sleep
• Aiding digestion
• Improving blood circulation
• Improving skin tone
• Reducing inflammation.
If you’re using a spa for a specific reason, such as reducing tension or relieving swollen joints, then find out which aromatherapy oils will complement the spa experience and use them for an extra effective treatment from the comfort of your own home.
Hydrotherapy is a highly effective way to treat many common ailments and aromatherapy is the perfect accompaniment. If you fancy relaxing in the scented, heated water of spa pools in Melbourne, get in touch with Endless Spas and find out more about home spa installations as well as aromatherapy products.