Helpful considerations for determining where to place a pool or swim spa in your backyard
Regulations and Requirements – do some homework first and ensure you know of any council and other authority regulations from the start. Easements and covenants may affect the location of the pool. Avoid underground services such as sewer, storm water, electric, gas and water supplies.
Weather elements – where is the sun and shade most of the day, is there prevailing winds?
Trees and plants – Avoid placing pools near large trees as lateral roots can place pressure on the pool and damage pipe work over the years.
Noise and Nosey Neighbours – consider noise from nearby roads, schools or playgrounds. Consider neighbours and if they have too much sight of the pool from their side of the fence.
Views – make the most of potential views from the pool.
Smaller Block Sizes and Sloping backyards – for small backyards consider position the pool as close as possible to the boundary to maximize garden and lawn areas. For sloping blocks incorporate a pool at house level and in direct relationship with informal living areas.
Articel Source: Position, position, position by Veda Dante, published in Issue 97 of SPLASH!.