How to Reset Error 6 (Thermal Cut Out/No Flow).
An error 6 code is due to no flow in the spa.
Firstly make sure that all jets, waterfalls are all open. Waterfalls being closed will also result in the filtration pump not pumping enough water through to the heater.
1. Turn the spa OFF
2. Remove filters from the spa and give them a clean
3. Remove air locks by bleeding the barrel union on the pumps (You may have more than one pump – please check). To do this, turn the highest barrel union on the pumps anti-clockwise slowly until some water is released. Once some water has been released tighten it back up quickly (clockwise)
4. Turn the spa ON and reset by pressing top 4 buttons on the touchpad –SP800 & SP1200 only
5. If error has disappeared, let it run for a while without the filters and if all is OK then insert the filters and see what happens. If error happens again after inserting filters it is recommended to degrease the filters or preferably replace them.)
If after trying the above the spa is still going into Thermal cut-out (error 6) you will need to have the control box/heater element or pump looked at by a technician.