Aromatherapy can have a profound effect on our physical and psychological wellbeing. It is believed that scent has the power to transform our emotions, and to heal our bodies.
Aromatherapy is often used in conjunction to mainstream medicine to help treat:
Lavender is an amazing scent that is known for its calming and relaxing qualities. It is beneficial to the respiratory tract in particular coughs, colds and can ease breathing when lungs and sinuses are clogged with phlegm. It also can relieve anxiety and stress and is good for aches and pains, muscle stiffness and rheumatic discomforts.
What you’ll need:
1 Cup mild shampoo or soap (a baby shampoo or an natural body soap)
1/3 Cup liquid Glycerine
2 Tablespoons of Water
15 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil (or other oil of your choice)
Mix together shampoo, glycerine and water. Add drops of essential oil (start with 10 and build to max 25 drops as you a desire) and mix again. Before use shake well and pour into the bath while water is running.
Making your own aromatherapy bubble baths is a great way to pamper yourself. You’re also using natural ingredients without any harmful chemicals.
( Reciepe From: One Good Thing By Jillee )
Please note: this receipe should not be used in any spa that holds a body of water that is chemically treated.