In February 2014, a young mother Sarah Mills contacted Endless Spas with a plea for help. Her daughter Monroe is a beautiful little girl, facing a lifetime of challenges. Monroe, born 21st March 2012 suffers from a rare condition – photo aggravated eczema which means any sun exposure leaves Monroe covered in rashes. Not only does she break out in a rash that is intensely itchy, Monroe becomes lethargic and will barely eat. Monroe has battled this condition her entire life, she has never slept through the night and there is not a day that goes by that Monroe doesn’t spend hours crying in pain. She has spent lengthy periods in hospital and her mum has tried everything to help ease her pain.
Sarah’s plea for help was a very emotional and touching story and as such the directors of Endless Spas have decided to donate a MicroSilk Bath in the hope of giving some relief to the whole family.
MicroSilk is new to Australia and involves a hydrotherapy technique that helps people who suffer with extreme skin conditions to find pain relief. The new system injects oxygen-rich micro bubbles into a bath, which sufferers then soak in for 20 minutes a day. The technique works by gently exfoliating and hydrating the skin without needing creams, soaps or lotions. MicroSilk is showing great results overseas for people who suffer with itching, redness, blisters and weeps.
This won’t cure Monroe, this won’t take away the fact that she needs to avoid sun exposure but we hope that the MicroSilk bath can give her the chance of having clearer skin, less or no itching, and that she can begin to sleep soundly at night. We hope that this will change her life, so that she begins to thrive and become a healthy little girl.
In order for this to happen faster, Sarah needs help with fundraising. The Mills family will need to remodel their bathroom at considerable expense. The estimation to complete the bathroom remodelling is $20,000. If the project can be achieved under this amount any spare funds will go towards special suits, medications and specialist appointments for Monroe.
If you would like to contribute to the Miracle for Monroe fundraiser, please visit http://www.gofundme.com/miracleformonroe
We understand that not everyone is in a position to help financially. However if you could help spread the word, Endless Spas and the Mills family would be very grateful. (To share, simply click on the orange share button to the right of the article date at the top)
Endless Spas are extremely hopeful and excited for this beautiful little girl.
For more information on MicroSilk and to see how the product works.
For information on Monroe’s story please visit Miracle for Monroe Facebook page – www.facebook.com/miracleformonroe