Most people with low back issues think the solution is to strengthen the muscles in their back, and while this is partially true, there are 2 other often overlooked important components to reduce low back strain. If you have low back pain, check with your doctor before exercising.
#1. Strengthen Your Core:
Having strong abdominal muscles can improve & protect your low back. Think of your abdominal muscles wrapping around your mid-section to create a “girdle” of support & protection. Crunches are the most traditional method to strengthen this area.
In the Spa Yoga Program there are several core strengtheners you can practice as you enjoy your soak.
#2. Stretch Your Hamstrings
Your hamstring muscles, located at the back of your thighs are one of the tightest muscle groups in the body. When they are overly tight they pull our pelvis downward and out of alignment. This restricts our ability to move easily and fluidly.
There are several ways to stretch out our hamstrings – a standing forward bend or a seated forward bend are the most common.
The hot water helps to loosen and lengthen our muscles and connective tissue, making it easier to stretch.
If possible, when stretching keep your knee straight. Learn how to get a great kneeling hamstring stretch.
Love the Endless Spa Team
(source: Tub Yoga)